Any one can can bring the fabness with top of the line products. But the true test divaliciousness comes during lean times. It's like breaking a heel and not missing a beat. It's talent and finesse that everyone doesn't possess.
Depending on what side of the political arena your seats are on, we may or may not be in a recession. My seats are definitely located in the broke a$$ broke section. My bank account has receded. I'm fixin to cut someone over $4.75 gallons of milk. I'm trying to figure out a way to shrink wrap my entire home to save on heating bills. Times is hard! But I gots to stay fab!
Recession Beauty is a new series that highlights really great products for really flat pockets. It won't be all drugstore stuff either. Ya'll live near drugstores too, so why waste your time? I'm scouring the land for the best of the cheap, unconventional uses of products and ways to breath life in long forgotten great ones. Let the cheap gratification thrills begin!
6 months ago