Whaaaaat? Makeup for a penny? Whooda thunk it? If you are a fan of bright, fun colors than check out this sale. Paint Cosmetics has crazy, I'm talking insanely pigmented eyeshadows. With every full sized shadow purchased, you also receive a free sample shadow of your choice! Now that's a deal! Check out the penny sale here.
I know ya'll got out and got your vote on, right? Don't complain about the shoulda, woulda, coulda if you didn't get off of the couch to get out there make your opinion count. Far too many lives have been lost for you to have that right so the least you can do is be appreciative and get out there and exercise it. Toot would have wanted you to vote...
Now let me get off of my soapbox so I can get back on my knees and get my prayers heard.
6 months ago